As an artist the big and small things in life inspire me. For this reason, it is important for me to surround myself with things that incite inspiration to my creations. When I traveled to North Carolina last May, I explored the city to find unique experiences. One of the restaurants I ventured to had the most beautiful hall of mirrors with elevators. Since that, I have had a whole new appreciation for the color silver, especially silver chrome. This translated into me actually wanting to buy silver clothing, which I had no desire to prior. How interesting is it that one moment can make you change everything you feel about something?

If I did not have this experience I would not have had this revelation to embrace the color silver. It really proves that your environment does effect you in not just a creative sense, but your choices as well. With that, it is important for one to expand their mind and be open to new things. Sometimes the thing we hate, we indeed actually like (and vice versa).

I am definitely a gold accessories kind of girl so we shall see when I will actually put in motion to actually wearing silver clothing. But you know, at least wanting to is a start, right?

I guess you could say this blog post got lost in the mix. I had originally intended to post this sooner, but life happened and I forgot about it. Either way, here it is!

Ma’aasalaama xoxo
