In the summer of 2017 I traveled to the Middle East to study the art of traditional Palestinian embroidery. This style of embroidery has been used by Palestinians for traditional clothing, and continues to be cherished to this day. There are some different countries in world that use different embroidery techniques and motifs of this style. Palestinian embroidery is made with a motif making is an “x,” as seen in my illustrations below.

The inspiration for this capsule collection were the three words Dravidian, Nonce, and Tyrannical. 

Nonce: 1) The one, particular, or present occasion, purpose, or use • for the nonce 2) the time being.

Dravidian: 1) A member of an ancient dark-skinned people of Southern India 2) Dravidian languages.

Tyrannical: Being or characteristic of a tyrant or tyranny.

Definitions taken online from US Merriam Webster

The customer is a multi-cultured, multi-dimensional woman who is not afraid to take risks in her life, including in fashion.




Palestinian embroidery pattern. Each box symbolizes an “x” that the yarn would make. The different colors helps code for when to change color and/or to show the desired pattern. 
Pictured above: Another example of a technical version of a Palestinian embroidery pattern.
In order to hand sew the yarn onto fabric, one must use gauze fabric to set in the yarn. Once the embroidery design is complete, one must remove the gauze strings one by one by hand cautiously. 
As shown in the picture above, when pulling too tightly on the yarn, it makes the yarn not sturdy. The rows of embroidery above I did not pull too tight when sewing by hand which enabled a perfect look.

Above are the backsides of the Palestinian embroidery designs I hand sewed. The triangle object on the right was the first design I hand sewed. It is messy and unkempt. The design on the left was a design I hand sewed after many hours of practice; the back is as clean as the front. 

I learned that it is possible to add this sewing style to everyday wear and even haute couture.